Lemon Law Attorney in Shreveport

Alfred R. Beresko of Bowie & Beresko, A Professional Law Corporation, will assist you if your bought a new vehicle that is a “lemon”, which can be a new car, a motor home, or a boat that has certain defects.

In Louisiana, a “lemon” is defined as an automobile that has been in the shop for repairs at least four or more times for the same or similar type problem within the first year after purchase or within the initial warranty period, whichever comes first. A lemon can also be defined as a vehicle that has been out of service for repairs for 90 days during the first year or initial warranty period, whichever comes first.

Lemon Law vs. Redhibition

In addition to the Motor Vehicle Warranty Act (known as the Lemon Law). Louisiana also has a law known as Redhibition.

The principles of Redhibition in Louisiana were first used in the Louisiana Civil Code of 1870. It has changed over the years, but it is a powerful tool in a defective automobile, boat, or motor home case.

Redhibition can be defined as a warranty against rehibitory defects, and the seller and manufacturer warrant said item to be free from redhibitory defects.

A defect is considered redhibitory when it renders the thing useless, or its use so inconvenient that it must be presumed that a buyer would not have purchased the thing had he known the defect. The existence or such a defect gives a buyer the right to obtain rescission of the sale, or in some circumstances, a reduction of the purchase price.

While the Lemon Law requires that the vehicle be returned a certain number of times to the seller or authorized repair shop. Redhibition requires that the seller or manufacturer be given a reasonable opportunity to repair.

Both the Lemon Law and Redhibition also a successful party to recover attorney fees, and in some cases, additional damages.

Alfred R. Beresko is an experienced Shreveport Lemon Law attorney and Redibition attorney, having handled, settled or tried many cases in involving cars, trucks, 18 wheelers, boats, motor homes and other items.

To make sure your rights are protected contact the law firm of Bowie & Beresko.

Lemon Law Attorney Shreveport, LA

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