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5 Questions to Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer Before You Hire One


Think that you’ll never face a personal injury and need a lawyer? It’s more likely than you suspect.

Motor vehicle accidents make up the majority of injuries.

Having to deal with a personal injury is a scary time. You’re busy taking care of yourself, your loved ones, and your finances. Getting justice for your injury is just one more thing that can overwhelm you.

Finding the best accident lawyer is crucial. While almost 100% of personal injury cases are settled pretrial, you still need fair and aggressive representation.

Here are five questions to ask a personal injury lawyer to set you on the right track.

1. Do You Have The Right Experience?

This is the question you should ask right off the bat. Personal injury cases are varied and your lawyer should have expertise in your particular niche.

For example, personal injury could cover

  • Auto Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Nursing Home Negligence
  • Animal Bites
  • Slip and Fall Accidents

…and many other things. Be sure that your lawyer understands your specific situation.

2. What Will I Have To Pay You For Taking On My Case?

Most personal injury lawyers have a contingency fee agreement that they work under. This means that payment is contingent unless there’s a recovery.

A common percentage for a recovery fee is 33%. Although there are a few variables at play, to break it down into basic numbers means that your lawyer will receive one-third (1/3) of any settlement.

3. What About Costs?

“Costs” are another thing to think about when it comes to figuring out your payment.

Beyond the contingency fee, you’ve got to consider what you’ll be paying for other legal costs like:

  • expenses related to information gathering
  • any administrative fees
  • fees for expert witnesses
  • court filing fees

Consider these costs when you’re searching for the perfect accident lawyer for you.

4. What’s Their Personality Like?

One of the most important questions to ask a personal injury lawyer is what is their personality like?

Do they answer your calls? Do they see you as just another case or are they personally invested in the outcome?

You want someone you can mesh with, not someone who will make you feel dismissed or unimportant.

You also want someone with a competent support staff who can keep you informed in the event the attorney is out of the office for court, meetings, etc.

5. Do You Handle Court Trials?

Many people don’t realize that many cases don’t go to trial. If yours is one of the few that do, you want the right lawyer in your corner.

When you settle, you’ll get a bigger payout if an insurance company believes your representative is ready to go all the way to a trial. Make sure to ask your personal injury attorney if they have any court experience.

Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer

Ready with questions to ask a personal injury lawyer? We’re prepared to answer anything you send our way.

We can help you with more than just personal injury, like making sure your will is in order. If you need help with a legal problem reach out to us today.


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