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5 Signs You Need to Hire a Bankruptcy Lawyer (And How to Choose the Right One)

You no longer answer the phone out of fear it may be a debt collector. Thought of filing bankruptcy is moving closer to being a reality. You have even gone so far as to get recommendations for a good bankruptcy lawyer. Financial problems are extremely stressful and eventually will impact your mental and physical health. Sometimes choosing to dissolve your debt is the most beneficial solution to your money woes.  Coming

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Know the Facts: 4 Common Debts That Won't Go Away in Bankruptcy

Sometimes we find ourselves in over our heads. Especially when it comes to financial situations. The option of filing for bankruptcy tempts many people who find themselves drowning in debt. When granting a bankruptcy dismissal, it lifts your liability for the money owed and erases most types of debts. Filing can rack up legal fees and hurt your credit for years. So people should not use do so lightly. It

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What Happens After Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans file for bankruptcy, with chapter 7 bankruptcy being the most common. Do you think filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy is the right thing for you? Are you concerned about the process and what will happen once you’ve filed? If so, keep reading. Explained below are answers to your most pressing questions about what happens after filing chapter 7 bankruptcy. What is Chapter 7

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3 Things You Should Know About Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy In Louisiana

Louisiana has the fourth highest rate of Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the United States. The federal government oversees the bankruptcy process. There are some state-specific laws you should be aware of if you’re a Louisiana resident. Read on to find out three important things to know about filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Louisiana. 1. What is the Difference Between a Chapter 7 and a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Louisiana? You

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US Bankruptcy Code: When to File for Business Bankruptcy Chapter 11

Is your business under a lot of debt burden? Are you looking for ways to keep operating? Filing corporate bankruptcy Chapter 11 can provide the safety net your business needs to stay open. Businesses big and small have used this option in the past. But, is it right for your business? Not all bankruptcy chapters work the same way. That’s why we’re going to discuss what you should expect when

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What's the Difference Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Filing bankruptcy is probably not your idea of a good time. However, you should take solace in the fact that 800,000 people filed in 2016–and that is a low number compared to previous years! While this number proves you’re not alone in the matter, it’s important to know exactly what you’re filing for. There are two main types of bankruptcy that can be filed and have separate rules. We’re going

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