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Estate Law

5 Common Misconceptions about Power of Attorney Documents in Louisiana

Many people don’t use the Power of Attorney documents because they are not fully understood. Every state has its own civil codes that govern Power of Attorney documents. Before you can trust that your documents will be valid and complete, it is important to speak with an estate planning lawyer in the state where you reside. These are common misconceptions regarding Louisiana Power of Attorney documents and the truths an

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Estate Law

12 Estate Planning Mistakes That You Must Avoid

After you have decided to create an estate plan to ensure your property is distributed in accordance with your wishes, it should give you peace of mind and avoid problems for your loved ones. However, you need to bear in mind that you can’t make mistakes when estate planning. Each estate plan is unique. However, there are some common estate planning mistakes that people should avoid.  Waiting until it is

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Estate Law

Louisiana Wills and Successions: A Summary

Louisiana Last Will and Testaments are part of an estate plan that transfers property ownership upon the death or incapacity of the testator. What does a will do? An essential part of estate planning in Louisiana is the Last Will and Testament. It lets you express your wishes regarding how your assets will be distributed to loved ones and close friends after your death. Louisiana intestate succession law governs how

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Estate Law

No Will? No Way! 5 Compelling Reasons Why Every Adult Needs A Will

Are you one of the 50% of the adults who have no will? If so, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting until you make more money or have more assets? Are you waiting until you have kids, have a house, or for some other “important” thing to happen? Chances are already very likely that you have a compelling reason to make a will today. What is a Will?

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Estate Law

Guardian Angel: How to Choose the Right Child Guardian for Your Will

Nobody likes to think about what happens when they’re gone. That’s probably why approximately 60 percent of Americans don’t have a will or form of estate planning. It’s difficult enough to figure out what to do with your possessions. It’s even harder to elect a guardian to take care of your child. However, it’s your responsibility to do so to ensure they end up in the right hands. Not sure

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Estate Law

What are Intestate Succession Laws in Louisiana and Why Do They Matter?

No one is ready for when the inevitable happens. When a loved one passes away there are many loose ends left untied. Many times the deceased leaves a will. But, what happens if your loved one didn’t leave one. Some states like Louisiana have laws that take care of these cases. Did you know that Louisiana intestate succession laws are one of the most misunderstood? If you’re here it means

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